Play Music

– Therapies –

  “Nada Bramande Tatte Pinde” – all vibrations live within us, as us

“From an early age, I was intrigued by alternate and traditional healing methods, and also had a love of music, so naturally, I was drawn towards exploring vibrational and sound healing of various forms, as a way of medicine; as a way to bring happiness and harmony to people…that’s what everyone wants….it’s everyone’s natural state….to remember who you truly are.”

The Sanskrit phrase ‘Nada Bramande Tatte Pinde’, meaning ‘everything in the universe is vibration’, brings to light the fact that we are inseperable from the universal harmony of vibrational balance, and that to align our innate human rhythms with the rhythms of the universe, brings our being back into tune, into alignment with our natural state of balance, ease and joy – that of wholeness.

With great compassion and sensitivity, Hayley encourages you to listen into your body’s own wisdom. Using Samvahan vibrations through the body, the resonance of the harp, bowls, voice and tuning forks, she lovingly supports you in truly letting go of that which stands in the way of your own healing. 

– Samvahan Vibrational Massage –

‘Sam’ meaning ‘balance’, ‘Vahan’ meaning ‘to bring’….

Samvahan is an ancient Vedic Himalayan tradition of Vibrational Healing, and is a powerful yet gentle modality which re-stores balance and therefor invites self-transformation.

Hayley is a certified Samvahan vidya vibrational healing practitioner, Yoga Nidra teacher, musician & yogini.

A Samvahan vibrational healing with Hayley typically incorporates vibrations from hands-on light musical style massage (fully clothed), the voice, tools such as tuning forks, tibetan singing bowls, and sound healing from the beautiful frequencies of her healing harp music, played intuitively to the individual in session.

“Hayley is an incredibly talented and intuitive harpist. Her sublime music effortlessly guides you to an incredible place of deep inner peace, heart opening, and divine connection. simply exquisite!

Dr Rosemary Keating, Chiropractor Facilitator  CoachBAppSc(Chiro) MChiroSc(peads) Diplomate American Chiropractic Neurology Board

These combined sounds and touch, as vibrational frequencies, induce deep relaxation, reducing stress in body and mind, and awaken the capacity to shift neurochemistry and neurobiology to promote our innate self-healing potential.

Samvahan, translated from Sanskrit as “the vehicle which brings balance” can allow you to experience the true harmony of your being; anchored in the timeless truth that sound, rhythm and harmony can reach and soothe the emotional counterparts of our physical imbalances, healing wounds that modern medicine alone cannot…

Hayley’s clients often come to her experiencing physical tensions, anxiety, stress, mental fatigue, and emotional pain, grief or loss, and are looking for a way to find more ease & freedom in their body, heart and life.

She enjoys being able to offer a safe and profoundly grounded, harmonising and soothing space in which a person may choose to heal themselves, and cultivate a loving awareness of their own healing forces.

After a Samvahan healing, people feel more grounded, comfortable in their bodies, emotionally free and open, and at peace with what is…a sense of profound Grace and Wholeness within, that orchestrates the changes in our life  we yearn for…

  • ” Being introduced to Hayley felt like a beautiful gift from the universe. About 10 months prior to our introduction my sister passed away at just 35 years old and I was internally struggling. I knew that not only was Hayley an incredible harpist, but she was also a Samvahan vidya practitioner so I decided to have a Samvahan massage with her to see if it could help. I had never told Hayley about my sister, but the moment she saw me for the session she asked if I’d experienced loss, as she could feel my heart was hurting. The whole experience was just amazing. Her manner was kind, gentle and empathetic. Her harp playing through parts of it was beautiful, I felt incredibly grateful to be having what felt like a solo performance. Overall the Samvahan massage was healing. I arrived feeling like I didn’t have a right to grieve as I’d told myself it was selfish, yet I left knowing that it was okay for me to grieve and day by day since my heart hurts a little less. Thank you so much Hayley for helping me, I will definitely be back.” A Magill, sunshine coast
  • ” I can’t believe it’s been one week since our session. I feel amazing. So open, embracing the grace and accepting with loving arms what is coming my way. I’ve started practicing yoga again every day (twice yesterday) and i’ve listened to your beautiful albums every day. My daughter loves dancing with her shadow alongside the harp, it’s just perfect. Next time I’m on the Sunny Coast I’ll let you know, I’d love to come again. Sending much love.” Lori, Brisbane.

‘The universe is nothing but rhythm, the body is nothing but rhythm. The job of a healer is to bring your rhythms into harmony with the natural rhythms of the universe’ -Dr. Ram K. Bhosle

The Samvahan Lineage, Michael Trembath

Hayley is an experienced Samvahan Vidya Vibrational Healing practitioner, who was fortunate to begin her Samvahan training in 2005 with Michael Trembath, who left his earthly body in March 2021. Michael was the living steward of Samvahan and a master healer and international teacher, compassionate being and devoted father.
 Samvahan was mastered and revived in the 1930’s by Michael’s teacher Dr. Ram K. Bhosle in India (1918-2005), as passed down from the Indian Saint Mahavatar Babaji. Dr Bosle was a renowned healer and personal physician to Ghandi and PM Nehru, amongst many others of his time.(just to briefly explain the indian photos!!!)
When Hayley was first introduced to Samvahan in 2004 during a treatment from Michael Trembath, she experienced the musicality and playfulness of Samvahan massage as her own body  being “tuned up”, as though it was a universal musical instrument being played soothingly into balance and freedom. This felt like the most natural alignment of all of Hayley’s passions of music, meditation and healing.
Hayley feels honoured to have received teachings of the Samvahan linage and to be able to share the blessings and grace of Samvahan healing through her work.
She offers private Samvahan treatments and small group meditation/Yoga Nidra sessions in her garden studio and is also available to facilitate sessions for retreats and other spaces.

“Connect to the earth & ask, are you willing to serve?…are you willing to be in the presence of healing?…are you willing to be in the presence of love?….Invite Grace…create movement, and welcome possibilities…”  -Michael Trembath

What others have to say about Samvahan:

“In a time when we need to find certainty within our own Highest Self and deepen our inner knowing more than ever, Hayley’s meditation sessions are an elixir for the spirit. Under her exquisite guidance, I find myself able to move swiftly through the layers that separate me from the Divine that is both myself and everything else, as one. Meditating with Hayley is like travelling through dimensions on a great winged bird. The journey is magnificent – both deeply peaceful yet renewing and energising at the same time. If you are able to experience this for yourself, please give yourself the gift of this breathtaking and very much needed upgrade in your being.”
Ashley of Noosa

“Hello Hayley, the sweetness which resides in me after our session together is such a delight & perhaps a more defined picture of what grace feels like in its true essence. The space you hold & share is unique & so deeply nourishing on all levels of the being. You have a wonderful gift to share with the world as what you offer is the nourishment we all need right now to feel whole, connected & in our heart space. Endless gratitude & I look forward to coming again for deeper connection & release & spaciousness. Thank You. All my blessings.”

L of Doonan.


“Hayley is a natural healer, I instantly feel calm in her presence. She beautifully intertwines music therapy with physical vibrational massage unlocking your energy and greater potential. I highly recommend this holistic and wholesome treatment. Thank you Hayley xxx”

S of Noosa Heads



“I have been blessed to have a couple of Samvahan sessions with Hayley. Hayley creates the most beautiful, calm, healing space. The combination of the Samvahan vibrational massage and the harp is personally deeply healing and my body and soul truly embraces and allows me to let go of any emotions/trauma that I have been holding onto in this beautiful space that Hayley creates/facilitates.”
Alethea of Cooran


Hayley creates the most beautiful calm healing space-her gift of combining Samvahan and playing the harp is truly magical….it has been many days since our session and if I stop and just be and think of the harp I can still feel the melody through my body! So powerful!And I’m happy to share that for over a year I have struggled with lower back/hip issues and in our session I could feel my right hip release as Hayley just sat with this hip for some time. Since then I haven’t been woken in the night with pain or woken in the morning with hip pain for the first time in over a year- so very grateful for this healing.

A of Cooran

Hayley dear, heartfelt thank you 💗 for this amazing healing! I cannot even compare this to any other healing I have had before. I had a lot of sensation on so many levels….my leg and  my skull were vibrating and releasing all that had to leave my body. Felt a very intense sensation coming from the harp as well as the Tibetan bowl…

Emese, Noosa

I feel blessed to know have known Hayley for nearly a year and have had the opportunity to have a couple of Samvahan sessions with her and attend her meditation sessions several times. Hayley offers Samvahan treatments in a beautiful, tranquil environment and the treatment feels like a combination of emotional healing, meditation and sound therapy. I went through some challenging times when I had my first Samvahan session and it certainly made a huge positive impact on my healing process. During the vibrational massage I did feel some sort of energy flow and heat at treated areas I have never experienced before. Hayley plays her harp a couple of times during the session and also uses various bells placed on your body that throws you right into a deep meditative state and stillness you would not want to leave for a while.
Hayley is a wonderful healer, a talented harpist and a beautiful soul.
Nandor, Noosa

“This was my second session with Hayley. She provides such a welcoming and beautiful space. Her presence is so warm and she really takes the time to listen and understand why you have come. This information then informed our session and the blissful and restorative journey I went on. Thank you Hayley!
Lauren, Yandina

“I have been privileged enough to receive several of Hayley’s Samvahan treatments and attended many meditations.
Hayley’s treatments are pure and absolutely exquisite, provided with complete grace and love, as is the tradition.
If you have a chance to attend, or indeed have a private meditation, in the presence of Hayley and her harp, the music of magic will seep into every cell of your being, and you will feel the connection to love and wellbeing that you truly are.
Thank you Hayley for sharing your gifts, you are so adored and appreciated.”
K of Noosa

“I have had several Samvahan sessions with Hayley in her beautiful treatment room. Hayley has the ability to guide me into a deep internal space, helping release and resolve both emotional and physical blockages. She is both a skilled Samvahan practitioner and a highly intuitive healer, always helping me find a pathway forward to a fuller life.”
Matilda, Yandina

“I absolutely loved my Samvahan vibrational massage with Hayley, and I have never experienced anything like it!
I went to see Hayley after a particularly hectic week and left the session feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and in awe of this amazing modality.
She is a very talented harp player and having this incorporated into the session was such a special experience.
A truly beautiful session and a lovely practitioner who I would highly recommend!”
Amy of Bribie

“This experience was like having a warm hug! I felt welcomed and cared for from beginning to end.
Hayley provided gentle and supportive guidance and soothing vibrational sounds from her harp and singing bowl which accompanied with the Samvahan massage.
The treatment room was lovely and Hayley was very professional yet down to earth. Overall an beautiful and nourishing experience.”

– Meditation –


“When you sit in the stillness of meditation, joy bubbles up from within, roused by no other stimulus. The joy of meditation is overwhelming” Paramahansa Yogananda

Hayley offers small group or private meditation, sound healing and Yoga Nidra classes from her practice, and offers facilitation of larger group sessions for retreats and events.

These sessions bring the Samvahan principles of grounding, presence and intention to move vibrations, create and amplify vibrations in your body.

 In meditation practice, we learn to cultivate and maintain a true state of calm, of greater clarity, inner stability and balance in your being.

We learn to surrender…to be willing to let go…

We learn to relax & release…

We realise that we are not our thoughts, our emotions or even our body, but that we are the indwelling consciousness, witnessing it all…

We give ourselves permission to rest, restore, recalibrate, & re-create our inner, & outer reality…

We learn to trust  our true self, and to experience a deep & lasting flow of shakti…

Leaving us with a sense of everlasting nourishment, natural joy & self-love in your life.

These meditations, Yoga Nidra classes and Sound Healings are accompanied by deeply relaxing sounds of the harp, along with Native American Flute, tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks, chimes & toned Mantra.

“Hayley is an incredibly talented and intuitive harpist.
Her sublime music effortlessly guides to an incredible place of
deep inner peace, heart opening, and divine connection. 
Simply exquisite! “
Dr Rosemary Keating
Chiropractor Facilitator Coach
BAppSc(Chiro) MChiroSc(Paeds)
Diplomate American Chiropractic Neurology Board


Harp Sound Healing at Yoga by the Bay’s autumn retreat.